The archaeological site of Fafos is situated within the industrial quarter of the FAFOS factory (phosphates productions), in the suburban area of the Municipality of Mitrovica. The researches in this settlement were developed during the time frame of 1955–1961.
The researches confirmed the presence of two Neolithic settlements (Vinca culture), set apart from one another approximately 200 meters. In the earlier date settlement or Fafos I, were discovered dwellings of half buried shelter huts, whereas, in the later date settlement or Fafos II, were discovered house-huts aligned one aside the other.
The unearthed remains of the huts were destroyed in an extensive fire. In both settlements were discovered different objects of everyday use, anthropomorphic figurines, rite vases, terracotta figurines etc. The objects discovered in Fafos I, include a figure of a squatting man, with hands resting on tightly drawn-up knees, a grotesque masked figurine with padded knickers and exposed belly, and altar table in form of an animal-masked woman holding a vessel decorated wuth meandering bands, and with bull shaped legs. The objects discovered in Fafos II, include a large figure with the upper part wearing a mask and a medallion, a terracotta masked figurine of a nude ithyphallic man in a jumping posture, a terracotta figurine of a bull with human head