The Zvecan Fortress is located in the north-west side of Mitrovica in a very strategic position. It is one of the most ancient forts built on a high volcanic hill, an altitude of 797 meters above sea level, and is considered to have extraordinary archaeological, architectural, historical and cultural heritage value for Kosovo in particular and South East Europe in general. For the first time in historical sources it is mentioned by the Byzantinechronicler and historian Ana Komnena in 1092 as a Byzantine castle. Archaeological excavations demonstrated that the medieval fortress of Zvecan was built on the top of remains of an antique fortification dating back to the 4th century AD. The Fortress has it’s beginnings in prehistory, with continuing development through Byzantine, Slav and Ottoman periods. It was used exclusively as a fortress until the eighteenth century.

The Fortress is of enormous dimensions and is composed of three sub-complexes:

  1. The Citadel on the top of the hill
  2. A belt of protecting enforced walls with towers underneath
  3. The wall that protected the square under the fortress

Whereas the Citadel is composed of two complexes: Upper fortress, and Lower fortress. The Fortress compromises a number of important architectural phases from its various historical periods, which increases its cultural and historical importance.

It’s condition is very bad because of the lack of maintenance.